How do I search the library catalog of materials to place a hold?


We have several options for placing an online hold. You can use the Westchester Library system link or search for books from multiple locations on the Greenburgh Public Library website by clicking on the magnifying glass at the top of the webpage and entering a search term in the field that appears. From the GPL website, the default search setting is to search the Library Catalog (use when searching for library materials). Enter part of the book title (or leave blank) and click on the search button to bring up the WLS search page.

  1. If you've entered a search term, the WLS page will display the search results. If not, you can search here by entering keyword, title, author, subject, etc (using drop down field to select the search parameter) or do an advanced search.
  2. To filter results for a particular format, ie. book, dvd, etc., select from then next drop down menu
  3. Choose library to search or leave library drop down menu to the default "Westchester Library System" in order to find copies at ALL WLS libraries (holds will be fulfilled from any WLS library and will get you the materials most quickly).
  4. Click the Place Hold button next to the item title or you may click on the title of one of the results to see details about the locations and availability at various libraries, then click Place Hold
  5. Enter your library card number and PIN (default PIN is the last 4 digits of phone number on file) to log into your account.
  6. Select options for pick-up location (use Greenburgh Public Library if you want to pick-up here) and receiving notifications about hold availability (email and/or text message to cell phone are the fastest).
  7. Click Submit. Your hold will now appear in the upper right menu under Holds.

Once notified that your hold is available, you can retrieve your materials at the designated pick-up library. Greenburgh Library holds will be available in the lobby  opposite the Circulation Desk, alphabetized by the Last name of the cardholder. You may also use Curbside pickup procedures to obtain your materials. Stay tuned for updates on how to designate materials for pick-up in the newly installed lockers at the library entrance.

Watch these short videos for help on accessing your Library account, including viewing and updating your hold parameters:

If you need assistance, please feel free to reach out to the Information Desk at 914-721-8225.


  • Last Updated Feb 16, 2023
  • Views 392
  • Answered By Janet Heneghan

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