Are the museum passes available at this time?


Museum passes are now available!

Q: Where can I find information on museum passes? 

A: You can find that information on this page!

Q: Which museums do you currently have passes for?

A: We have a dynamic assortment of passes available. You can view available passes on our Museum Passes webpage.

Q: Do all of the museums have the same rules for visitors?

A: No, each museum has different rules and procedures for visitors. Please see the instructions on your museum pass, or click on any of the museums in the question above to check specific requirements. 

Q: How do I reserve a pass, and where do I pick it up? 


PHYSICAL PASSES are valid for three days, including the day of pick-up and return.*

  • Physical passes may be reserved up to 90 days in advance. 
  • Patrons keep the pass as long as the booking duration permits and can visit the institution at any time during that checkout period.
  • Reminder for physical passes: You are selecting the date the physical pass is picked up (and checked out) from the library.
    • If you plan to visit the institution on a different date, and if the pass checkout duration permits it (i.e., how long you can keep the pass before it is due back at the library), you may want to select an earlier date to view pass availability.
  • Booking limits - Can only reserve one (1) pass at a time. No overlap reservations.

*The Empire Pass loan period is one week.


  • Reserve for the day you wish to visit. 
  • Digital passes may be reserved up to 90 days in advance and can be printed at home, presented on a mobile device, or printed at the library.
  • Booking limits - One (1) reservation per day, two (2) per week, and eight (8) per month.

Q: Can you (the librarians) make a reservation for me?

A: Patrons are directed to make the reservation through our online portal. If you require assistance making a reservation for a museum, please call (914) 721-8225. 

Q: When do I return the pass, and how do I return it? 

A: All PHYSICAL PASSES passes may be borrowed for 3 days, including the day of pick-up and return. Passes must be returned on the due date 30 minutes prior to library closing.

Passes must be dropped off at the Adult Information Desk in the Library's first floor lobby. Do not return museum passes in the book drop or AV drop. 

There is a $10 fee per day for late pass returns, and a $50 fee for returning a pass in the book or AV drop. 

Q: Who can pick up the pass from the library?

A: Ideally, the person who made the reservation should be the person picking up the pass. In the event that they cannot make it, please provide your library card and the confirmation email to the individual picking up the pass. Regardless of who picks up the pass, the person who made the museum pass reservation is responsible for its return. 

Q: How do I change or cancel a reservation?

A: To change or cancel a reservation, find the email confirmation of the pass booking, then click on the link in the email to cancel the reservation.

  • Last Updated Mar 02, 2023
  • Views 1557
  • Answered By Christina Ryan-Linder

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