How can I learn to use Zoom to attend virtual programs and meetings?

Watch the following Niche academy videos for help with downloading and using Zoom to attend virtual meetings and programs: 

How to Zoom - Provides nonverbal instructional video and written narrative on how to download Zoom and use its features to attend virtual meetings and programs.

Tech Talk Zoom - Provides verbal video instruction from a Zoom Support representative on how to use Zoom on different platforms, as participant or host, as well as details about different Zoom meeting formats, Zoom functions and "tips and tricks" for Zoom use.

One-on-one Technology Assistance appointments with a Greenburgh Library staff member are available for help with using Zoom and other virtual meeting platforms as well as help on other technology topics. To access from our homepage, click on the blue Technology Lending and Assistance icon at the top.





  • Last Updated Feb 16, 2023
  • Views 98
  • Answered By Janet Heneghan

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