How can I learn about the library's program offerings?

The library has an array of programs for all ages which are offered in-person, virtually or in hybrid (simultaneous in-person and virtual) format.

You may join the Greenburgh Public Library email list to receive updates about Library events and services.

View our monthly events calendar on our homepage:

  1. ​​Click on a date to view events for that date, use the arrows to scroll ahead to another month.
  2. Click on one of the event titles listed to obtain details and/or register for the event. The program format will be displayed after the event title as in-person, online, or in-person/online for hybrid programs.
  3. Click Show All to access a list of all upcoming events and click on drop down menus on the left to filter by category or event format (in-person or online).

Optionally, you can access our events calendar from our homepage by clicking on the Events tab at the top of the page, then click on Calendar and scroll/filter upcoming events as described in Step 3, above.

Once you have registered for a program, please check your email for a registration confirmation including the link to access virtual program(s). 

If you have difficulty accessing a Greenburgh Library virtual program, please refer to the event confirmation email or you may call us at (914) 721-8225 for Adult programs or 914-721-8227 for Youth programs.

Some events posted on our Events Calendar are hosted by an outside organization, such as Westchester Library System and will be annotated as follows:

PLEASE NOTE: These events are not affiliated with or sponsored by the Greenburgh Public Library. Any registration required will be made with the third party host. Should you need assistance registering for or participating in this event, please contact the hosting organization.

In such case, registration details and contact information for the event organizer will provided.


  • Last Updated Feb 16, 2023
  • Views 275
  • Answered By Janet Heneghan

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